Iohara no kuni miyatsuko (regional governor in ancient Japan) (廬原国造)

Iohara no kuni miyatsuko (廬原国造), also known as Iohara kokuzo, was a kuni no miyatsuko that ruled the west part of Suruga Province. It was also written as 五百原国造.


According to "Shinsen shojiroku," the ancestor is Wakatakehiko no mikoto, a Prince of Emperor Korei, and the Kasa clan is on the same line of family. According to "Kojiki," Iohara no kunimiyatsuko is a son of Hikosashikatawake no mikoto, a Prince of Emperor Koken, having Toshiba and Kunisaki clans in the same line of family.


The Iohara clan. Kabane, a family title granted by the authority, was Kimi (or Ko). Later, some member of the family were given a title Ason.


Iohara no Kori, Totomi Province. Present Shizuoka City and Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture.

Local tutelar deity



Iohara omi: A warrior in the court during the reign of Emperor Tenji
Ioharaomi commanded the Navy in cooperation with ABE no Hirafu in the Battle of Hakusukinoe, but was defeated.

[Original Japanese]